Tap and The City is an original Australian dance show staring
an eclectic lineup of the worlds most sought after female tap dancers with explosive choreography, music and audiovisual components.
This is not just tap. It's a multi-platform dance phenomenon unlike anything you have seen, combining the sleek rhythmical sounds of tap with live music and groundbreaking projection mapping set to the city scape of Hollywood.
This high-powered celebration of dance will immerse you in a world in which dancers defy their limits, their gravity, and create new daring levels of artistic expression. All with a touch of glitz and glamour and a whole lot of toe tappin fun.
This invigrorating, high energy, theatrical show is set to top 40 commercial and vintage classics, and celebrate women pushing the boundaries and climbing the ladder of success as a sisterhood.
Tap and the City is an all new breathtaking theatrical experience not to be missed.